EMAPS: EDFacts Metadata and Process System


IDEA Part C - Child Count and Settings Release 11.0

Year: 2022-23

A zero count should be used when there were no children to report in the specific category for the given reporting period. Enter "M" (Missing) if the state did not collect or could not report a count for the specific category. Please provide an explanation for the missing data in the comment box at the bottom of the survey pages. Enter "NA" if the category is not applicable to your state.

Your State's Part C Child Count Date is:   12/1/2022

Has your state elected under 20 U.S.C. 1432(5)(B)(ii) and 1435(c) to provide parents the choice of, and the child’s parent has consented to their child, continuing to receive Part C services (in lieu of FAPE) under 20 U.S.C. 1435(c) for children ages 3 and older?   No

Section A: Child Count and Settings by Age

A.1. Age Group and Settings of Infants and Toddlers, Ages Birth through 2
Age Group Home Community-Based Setting Other Setting Total Percentage
Birth to 11404 9 5 1418 11.93
1 to 23816 30 3 3849 32.39
2 to 35726 70 820 6616 55.68
Total (Birth through 2)10946 109 828 11883 100
A.2. Age Group and Settings of Children, Ages 3 or Older
Age Group Home Community-Based Setting Other Setting Total Percentage
3 to 4NA NA NA NA NA
4 to 5NA NA NA NA NA
5 or OlderNA NA NA NA NA
Total (3 or Older)NA NA NA NA NA

Comment: This report includes 917 children served with FAPE under IDEA by the Virginia Department of Education.

Section B: Child Count and Settings by Race/Ethnicity

B.1. Race/Ethnicity and Settings of Infants and Toddlers, Ages Birth through 2
Race/Ethnicity Home Community-Based Setting Other Setting Total Percentage
Hispanic/Latino1227 12 93 1332 11.21
American Indian or Alaska Native6 0 0 6 0.05
Asian577 6 43 626 5.27
Black or African American2241 23 169 2433 20.47
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander8 0 0 8 0.07
White5547 55 420 6022 50.68
Two or More Races1340 13 103 1456 12.25
Total (Birth through 2)10946 109 828 11883 100
B.2. Race/Ethnicity and Settings of Children, Ages 3 or Older
Race/Ethnicity Home Community-Based Setting Other Setting Total Percentage
Hispanic/LatinoNA NA NA NA NA
American Indian or Alaska NativeNA NA NA NA NA
Black or African AmericanNA NA NA NANA
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderNA NA NA NA NA
Two or More RacesNA NA NA NA NA
Total (3 or Older)NA NA NA NA NA

Comment: This report includes 917 children served with FAPE under IDEA by the Virginia Department of Education.

Section C: Child Count by Gender

C.1. Gender Of Infants and Toddlers, Ages Birth through 2, Receiving Early Intervention Services
Gender Total Percentage
Male7428 62.51
Female4455 37.49
Total (Birth through 2)11883 100
C.2. Gender of Children, Ages 3 Or Older, Receiving Early Intervention Services
Gender Total Percentage
FemaleNA NA
Total (3 or Older)NA NA

Comment: This report includes 917 children served with FAPE under IDEA by the Virginia Department of Education.

Section D: At Risk Child Count

Has your state elected under 20 U.S.C. 1432(5)(B)(i) to serve children under the age of three and at risk of having substantial delays if early intervention services are not provided?   No

At Risk Infants and Toddlers, Ages Birth through 2
Ages as of Child Count Date
Race/EthnicityTotalBirth to 11 to 22 to 3
American Indian or Alaska NativeNA
Black or African AmericanNA
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderNA
Two or More RacesNA
Total (Birth through 2)NA NA NA NA


Section E: Cumulative Child Count by Race/Ethnicity and Gender

Cumulative Number of Infants and Toddlers Who Received Early Intervention Services by Race/Ethnicity and Gender

Cumulative Child Count Reference Period:     From:   12/2/2021   To:   12/1/2022

E.1. Cumulative Count of Infants and Toddlers, Ages Birth through 2, by Race/Ethnicity
Race/Ethnicity Total Percentage
Hispanic/Latino2521 11.63
American Indian or Alaska Native14 0.06
Asian1232 5.68
Black or African American4359 20.11
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander240.11
White10919 50.37
Two or More Races2610 12.04
Total (Birth through 2)21679 100
E.2. Cumulative Count of Infants and Toddlers, Ages Birth through 2, by Gender
Gender Total Percentage
Male13590 62.69
Female8089 37.31
Total (Birth through 2)21679 100

Comment: This report includes 917 children served with FAPE under IDEA by the Virginia Department of Education.

Error Comments:    

This report shows the most recent data that was entered by Virginia . These data were generated on 7/19/2023 9:27 AM EDT.